.. _sphinx: ====================== Shpinx Documentation ====================== :Release: |version| :Date: |today| The plugin uses the :pypi:`sphinx_celery ` engine to generate the documentation. The documentation is written in reStructuredText format and is located in the ``docs`` directory of the repository. .. contents:: :local: :depth: 2 Building the documentation ========================== To build the documentation, use the :ref:`tox_docs` tox environment. Live Documentation ================== To serve the documentation locally, use the :ref:`tox_docs-livehtml` tox environment. Generate API Documentation ========================== To generate the API documentation, use the :ref:`tox_docs-apidoc` tox environment. Linting the documentation ========================= To lint the documentation, use the :ref:`tox_lint` tox environment, or these Makefile commands:: make -C ./docs apicheck make -C ./docs linkcheck make -C ./docs configcheck Makefile ======== The docs are managed using the following Makefile: .. literalinclude:: ../../docs/Makefile :language: make :caption: docs.Makefile :start-after: .PHONY: help :end-before: .PHONY: clean