This document describes the current stable version of pytest_celery (1.0). For development docs, go here.

pytest_celery.vendors.worker.content package

Submodules module

The pytest-celery plugin provides a set of built-in components called Vendors. This module is part of the Built-in Celery Worker vendor.

Template for Celery worker application.

pytest_celery.vendors.worker.content.utils module

The pytest-celery plugin provides a set of built-in components called Vendors.

This module is part of the Built-in Celery Worker vendor.

pytest_celery.vendors.worker.content.utils.get_running_processes_info(columns: list[str] | None = None) str[source]

Get information about running processes using psutil.

Module contents

The pytest-celery plugin provides a set of built-in components called Vendors.

This module is part of the Built-in Celery Worker vendor.